Ok, I have to share this (withholding names and titles) but it was really supremely funny.
So - this giant styrofoam container arrives - we don't know who sent it but inside is this bizarre frozen turkey, wrapped around a chicken, wrapped around a duck - now I don't know WHO in the world would REALLY eat that but anyway........someone #1 says this is going in the trash, we don't know who it came from or anything, someone #2 says it could be a bomb, someone #1 laughs and says Yeah its an IUD several of us snicker until someone # 3 says Uh.....different device..........to which I said yeah, can we just insert an E in the middle there?
I don't know if ANYONE thinks this is a funny as I do but quite honestly, IM STILL LAUGHING!
Celebrating my Girls
8 months ago
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